Monday 9 April 2012

Do Written Standards and Guidlines Constrain Creativity?

I  spent several hours today reading institutional standards or guidelines of HEI's across Europe, USA and Australia about learning environment design and established there is a lot of commonality.
They deal with things such as room shapes, types of furniture, technology, lighting, degree of rake. heating and ventilation, etc.
It occurred to me that whilst I agree with, and use, many of the guidelines it occurred to me that in a fast changing environment, especially technological which can liberate the designer, could these constrain creativity.
Could approaching a design project armed with a flare for design, creativity and no preconceived ideas produce something innovative and fresh? I know and accept that ones experience will play a part in this but that can sometimes lead to just repeating what has been done before. I suppose the experience of innovation is what is important here.

Thinking about it I know that this is how Peter Jamieson works.
Just a thought.

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