Monday 7 March 2011

Visit to Monash Social Space

I loved what had been done here, although the decoration and lighting needed some attention in my opinion but as we all know budgets come into play.
This space is a very busy open access area which has had several hubs installed. The students turn up with their laptop, plug in and their content is displayed on the large screens, either one or two dependant on the wishes of the student.
The whole thing was well put together and made by a company called Steel Case.

The students here were collaborating on a project. I have seen this sort of thing elsewhere and plan for some at Aberystwyth. What I like about this particular setup is that the whole unit is portable and works off one plug. No walls required. The seating was clever in that the cushion revolved. The student who demonstrated it thought they were great.

This pod is at a different height. These students were using both screens. Note the stage area at the back being used by a group. At one point two of the group started to dance. There was a lot going on here.
This give a more intimate setting at a lower height. I have my concerns about the coffee table height for long periods of work but the students said that they would be there for up to two hours

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